Viljami Väisänen Digital Ventures

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September 2022 — March 2023

Step 1: Find the love of your life

Step 2: Get married

Step 3: Escape to South America for six months

Yup, that’s wazzup.

Now, before we get any further, we’d love to start by making a couple of things clear ;)

  1. We acknowledge that we are privileged as f*ck to be able to take a half-year breather from the treadmill on the other side of the planet. But at the same time, we’ve also busted our asses at work in the recent years for making this happen in terms of finances. We didn’t buy a car — we saved for potential adventures.

  2. Our aventura is about experiencing the wonders of South America together. So, in case we end up just enjoying life for the next six months and ignoring all content creation (e.g. updating this blog), don’t be surprised.

  3. We acknowledge there is no such thing as truly “environmentally sustainable travel”. The moment you hop on a plane / bus / whatever — you’re creating a negative impact to the environment. Sure, many economies here are still today heavily relying on the oil business — and tourism does create an alternative source of income for the local people. Yet, we feel the painful dilemma between fulfilling the innate desire to explore the world (especially mine!) — and staying true to our personal values on safeguarding what’s left of the wild on this incredible planet. We are no saints.


Our “Six Months in South America” vlogs are meant primarily for the following people:

  1. Ourselves — to remember all the epic sh*t that happened

  2. For our family & friends (our mothers might panic less if they see some evidence of us being alive and kickin’)

  3. To anyone who wants to get a glimpse to South America after the worst years (?) of Covid-19 (note: Our aim is not to encourage people to travel here — but to share what’s it like on this side of the planet)

Phew. That was a bit of a mouthful. But better be transparent about our thinking. See you in the (perhaps) appearing pieces of content later on.


— Vipe & Riikka (VR)